Over the last five years, companies that have led on key disability inclusion criteria have experienced 1.6x more revenue, 2.6x more net income, and 2x more economic profit than other participants in Disability: IN’s annual benchmark survey.

15% of the world's population experiences some form of disability according to

Learn how to create a culture of inclusion through best practices to make your company accessible to employees and customers who are disabled.

In this interactive seminar, attendees will:

Partake in a discussion about various disabilities ranging from invisible to visible.

Understand unconscious biases and microaggressions related to disability.

Learn inclusive terminology and correct phraseology.

Become aware of how ableism negatively affects workplace culture and your current and potential clients.

Discover how to get started with disability allyship as an individual and as a company.

The seminar includes an opportunity for a Q&A session

While Accessibility Best Practices & Disability Allyship is a conversation to have through the year, some recommended months to have this are in March (Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month), July (Disability Pride Month), and October (National Disability Employment Awareness Month).